Upcoming Events

Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast

Destiny Church will be hosting their quarterly Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, March 29th! The men will be meeting at Panera Bread in Huber Heights at 9:00 AM! Don’t miss this amazing opportunity for food, fun and fellowship!

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Ladies' "Bring A Board" Charcuterie Lunch

Ladies' "Bring A Board" Charcuterie Lunch

On Sunday, March 30th, Destiny Church will be hosting our Ladies’ “Bring A Board” Charcuterie Lunch! Please create a charcuterie board of your choice and bring it to Room 5 immediately following Morning Service! We look forward to this opportunity to share food, fun and a time of fellowship together! We hope to see you there!

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The Way Youth Movie Night

The Way Youth Movie Night

Attention all teens! On Saturday, April 5th, The Way Youth will be hosting our Second Annual Movie Night from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in Room 6! Popcorn and drinks will be provided, but we ask that each teen bring a bag of their favorite candy to share in our CANDY DUMP! Mark your calendars and invite some friends because you will not want to miss out on this incredible event!

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Fast Breaking Fellowship Carry-In

Fast Breaking Fellowship Carry-In

Join us on Wednesday, March 12th, as we corporately break our fast together! We will meet in Room 5 at 6:30 PM and ask that you bring a food item to share! Don’t miss this exciting evening as we come together as a church family, share a meal and deepen our relationships through a time of fellowship!

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Spring Cleaning

Spring has sprung, and there is cleaning to be done! On Saturday, April 12th, our congregation will be meeting at Destiny Church for our Annual Spring Cleaning! We will meet at the church at 10:00 AM and plan to clean until around 12:00 PM! We are asking for all hands on deck as we prepare and refresh our facility for Spring and beyond!

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3:16 Outreach Offering

3:16 Outreach Offering

On Sunday, March 16th, we will be collecting a special offering for our Outreach Ministry at Destiny Church! The offering collected will be strategically allocated through various opportunities to reach the lost! We hope you will prayerfully consider what you can give to help support Destiny’s Outreach Ministry!

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Fast Breaking Fellowship Carry-In

Fast Breaking Fellowship Carry-In

Join us on Wednesday, February 19th, as we corporately break our fast together! We will meet in Room 5 at 6:30 PM and ask that you bring a food item to share! Don’t miss this exciting evening as we come together as a church family, share a meal and deepen our relationships through a time of fellowship!

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Destiny Kids Skyline Fundraiser

Destiny Kids Skyline Fundraiser

Destiny Kids will be hosting a fundraiser at Skyline Chili in Huber Heights on Sunday, March 2nd, from 12:00 to 4:00 pm! Destiny Kids will receive a percentage of the total profit Skyline makes within that timeframe, and all fundraiser money earned will go toward events they can attend in the future! Invite all your friends and family to come out and support our kids here at Destiny!

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The Way Café Syrup Sunday

The Way Café Syrup Sunday

The Way Café is back! On Sunday, February 23rd, The Way Youth will be introducing for the first time ever, our Syrup Sundays! At these events, the teens will be serving free breakfast foods that, as you might have guessed, require syrup! This month’s featured food will be pancakes! Pancakes will be prepared and served from 9:00 AM to 10:10 AM in the Revival Café! Prepare yourself for a preservice time full of food, fun, fellowship and of course, syrup!

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Fast Breaking Fellowship Carry-In

Fast Breaking Fellowship Carry-In

Join us on Wednesday, February 19th, as we corporately break our fast together! We will meet in Room 5 at 6:30 PM and ask that you bring a food item to share! Don’t miss this exciting evening as we come together as a church family, share a meal and deepen our relationships through a time of fellowship!

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Deliverance Sunday

Deliverance Sunday

If interested in receiving Deliverance Prayer, please select the “Ministries” tab and choose “Receive Deliverance” on our website. You can begin filling out your application there, and you will be contacted by a member of our team once it is completed!

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BGMC Taco Fellowship Night

BGMC Taco Fellowship Night

Mark your calendars because the BGMC Taco Fellowship Night will take place on Wednesday, February 12th! The taco dinner will be held in Room 5 from 5:45 PM to 6:45 PM! Cost is $5 per person! Children 5 years old and under eat for only $3! All funds collected will go toward the Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge! We look forward to seeing you come out and support our kids as they raise money for missions!

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Spring Small Groups Begin
to Feb 8

Spring Small Groups Begin

Destiny’s Spring Small Groups will begin February 7th and 8th! We have several different small groups to choose from, all meeting within the greater Dayton area! Small groups will meet periodically through May 17th! Please call Destiny Church at 937-236-2021 for more information about our small groups and locations!

To order the Small Group Book that we will be going through this semester, please click the link below:


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Youth and Kids Camp Registration Opens

Youth and Kids Camp Registration Opens

For any kids or teens interested in going to Summer Camp 2025, registration opens February 1st!

Click the link below, and it will take you to the Ohio Ministry Network website where you can login and register your student. If you do not currently have an account, you will have the opportunity to make one.

Depending on the age of your student, search for these specific camps that Destiny Church has reserved spots for:

  • Starter Camp 1 (Completed K-2nd or 5-6 years old)

  • Kids Camp 1 (Completed Grades 2-5th or 7-11 years old)

  • OYM Camp 1 (Youth/Teens)


*If you have any questions, please see Monica or Madison

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Deliverance Sunday

Deliverance Sunday

If interested in receiving Deliverance Prayer, please select the “Ministries” tab and choose “Receive Deliverance” on our website. You can begin filling out your application there, and you will be contacted by a member of our team once it is completed!

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Fast Breaking Fellowship Carry-In

Join us on Wednesday, January 8th, at 6:30 PM, as we will break our fast by sharing a meal together! We will meet in Room 5 and ask that you bring a food item to share! The night will not only consist of breaking our fast, but also of a time of fellowship, prayer and communion! Don’t miss this exciting evening, as we kick off Wednesday Night Family Ministries for 2025!

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The Way Café Speed The Light Fundraiser

The Way Café Speed The Light Fundraiser

On Sunday, December 8th, The Way Youth will be selling select café inspired drinks to raise money for Speed The Light! The Way Café will feature a few variations of uniquely crafted hot cocoa drinks and high-end brewed coffee! Espresso will also be available, if desired! Drinks will be prepared and served between 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM in the Revival Café! Come out and support our youth as they raise money for missions!

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